Sunday, June 2, 2019

Friedrich Nietzsche Essay example -- essays research papers

Friedrich NietzscheSome call Friedrich Nietzsche the father of the Nazi party. WasNietzsches ideas twisted and warped by a needy country? Nietzsche himselfdespised the position and lower class people. Was it Nietzsches Will to Powertheory that spawned one of the greatest patriotic movements of the twentiethcentury? These are some of the questions I had when first researchingFriedrich Nietzsche for the future(a) paper.Friedrich Nietzsche, at one time called "the arch enemy ofChristianity"(Bentley, p.82), was born into a line of Protestant Clergyman onOctober 15, 1844. During Nietzsches early years, he gave no feature that hewould not follow in his families clergy tradition. As a boy, Nietzscheconsidered himself a devout Lutheran. At age six(two years after his fatherpassed away)Nietzsche, his mother and infant moved to the small t have got of Naumburg.When Nietzsche was twelve he wrote I saw God in all his glory(Bentley, p.82).Later his description of his own psychical s tate was one of Gottergebenheit surrender to God(Bentley, p.82). At a very early age Nietzsche had alreadydisplayed an aptitude for highly intellectual prowess. At fourteen, Nietzsche remaining his home of Naumburg and went to an exclusive boarding school at the nearbySchulpforta Academy. The school was famous for its grandeur of alumni thatincluded Klopstock and Fichte(Brett-Evans, p.76). It was here thatNietzsche received the thorough education in Greek and Latin that set him uponthe road to classical philology.(Brett-Evans, p. 76) On many occasionsNietzsches zeal to prove himself at the Pforta school spurned legendary tales. unrivalled certain tale is when Nietzsche could not bear to hear of the courage ofMucius Scaevol, who did not flinch when his hand was burnt off, without seizinga box of matches and firing them against his own hand.(Bentley, p.84) At theage of twenty, Nietzsche left to attend Bonn University. By this time Nietzschehad come to think of himself as an aristocrat whose great virtues arefearlessness and willingness to assume leadership.(Bentley, p.85) Ironically,Nietzsche intend to study theology(to please his mother). At this timeNietzsche no longer believed in Christianity, because with maturity he lost hisheavenly father(Bentley, p.86). In 1868 Nietzsche was a scholarly person in Leipzig.This is when he met Cosima and Richard Wagner. The... domination is only possible by ignoring thegreater part of what he wrote.(Brett-Evans, p.81) Matter-of-factly, Nietzschesternly despised anti-Semites. At certain times, there was not a harshercritic of racist German nationlism. But some questions arise out of thesestatements. What of the comments Nietzsche made concerning the will-to-powertheory, the constant reference to the superman, and his sometimes vigorouspatriotism? One of the most significant contributions Nietzsche made was inthe area of psychology not philosophy. One of the most significantconclusions he came to in this field was that traditionalistic morality consists ofdifferent expressions for the same thing, that "good" actions and "bad" actionscan ultimately derive from the same motive.(Brett-Evans, p.80) In truth Ibelieve that Friedrich Nietzsche was a ethereal who was never able to replacehis earthly Father or his heavenly Father. This led to his strange emotionalrelationship with women. His only friends were those women who he had failedrelationships with and men who he quarreled with. In the end, Nietzsche died ofsyphilis that was allegedly contracted while in college.

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